
  • Type: String
  • Range / Valid values: Max 4095 characters
  • Default: Not defined
  • Group: Output - Pipe

The video4linux video loopback input device for motion images. If a particular pipe is to be used then use the device filename of this pipe, if a dash '-' is given motion will use /proc/video/vloopback/vloopbacks to locate a free pipe. Default: not set, The video4linux video loopback input device for motion images. If a particular pipe is to be used then use the device filename of this pipe, if a dash '-' is given motion will use /proc/video/vloopback/vloopbacks to locate a free pipe. Default: not set

Using this you can view the results in real time. E.g. by using the program camstream. The difference between this option and the video-pipe option is that this option shows the motion version of the images instead of the normal images.

Disable this option by not having it in the config file (or comment it out with "#" or ";").

This topic: Motion > WebHome > MotionGuide > ConfigFileOptions > ConfigOptionMotionVideoPipe
Topic revision: 07 Aug 2016, KennethLavrsen
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