Patch Title



Patch to add a version of wu2300 program that builds an URL to send to Also adds the necessary configuration variables and config reading code.

Description of Patch

Addition to create ham2300 program with changes to config, Makefile, rw2300.c, rw2300.h and new ham2300.c files. This hasn't been tested but should prepare the right URL format to provide information to the service.

Installation of Patch

Apply patch to the open2300-1.10 source (from open2300-1.10 directory, "patch < ham.patch")

Change History of Patch

Discussion and Comments

do you have a sample config for this file? it doesnt seem to want to upload using my config file

-- JosephLobocki - 24 Jul 2006

If it's just that it's not uploading, could you test that it's actually producing output by recompiling ham2300 with DEBUG 1 to see that the URL is being generated correctly.

All you should need to specify are the correct serial device and the hamweather ID and password:

HAMWEATHER_ID MatthewH # ID received from Hamweather

HAMWEATHER_PASSWORD TestPwd # Password for Hamweather

-- MatthewHunt - 24 Jul 2006

it is working, i can get info by fetch2300, and according to hamweather, matthewh is not a registered station, im sure im messing something up, heres my line from the config:

#### WEATHER UNDERGROUND variables (used only by wu2300)

HAMWEATHER_ID MatthewH # ID received from Weather Underground HAMWEATHER_PASSWORD TestPwd # Password for Weather Underground

maybe im doing something wrong

-- JosephLobocki - 24 Jul 2006

Well, no, MatthewH isn't a registered station. Registering with Hamweather is something that I assumed you knew about, because I'm afraid that I don't. If you have an account with them then you need to put your ID and password details in the config.

-- MatthewHunt - 24 Jul 2006

i do, but it seems not to work, so i add the HAMWEATHER_ID and HAMWEATHER_PASSWORD to the config, with the fields?

-- JosephLobocki - 25 Jul 2006

ok, in debug, it does put out the proper string, but after turning debug off, it doesnt do the updates, like its not communicating or getting across to hamweather

-- JosephLobocki - 30 Jul 2006

New patch attached with various fixes, particularly to address sending data to the right place.

-- MatthewHunt - 30 Jul 2006

I've just uploaded a new version of the revised patch which actually has all the data in it. The previous version was missing ham2300.c, maybe some other bits.

-- MatthewHunt - 01 Aug 2006

  • ham.patch: Patch to add program for support

This topic: Open2300 > HamweatherPatch
Topic revision: 01 Aug 2006, MatthewHunt
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