Application/OSS - Bug Status
You are here: Foswiki>Application/OSS Web>BugReportForm>BugStatus (12 Apr 2009, ProjectContributor)Edit Attach

Bug Status

There are only few status fields in the Test Project bug reports to keep things simple.

Name Type Tooltip message
New option New bugs, bugs not yet resolved are in this state.
Assigned option Bug resolution has been assigned to a specific developer.
Resolved option Bugs that are resolved but not yet implemented in a released version.
Released option Bug is resolved and fix is implemented in a released version of the program.
Duplicate option Duplicate of already reported bug.
Monitored option Bugs that cannot be reproduced or may turn out not to be bugs later.
Rejected option Rejected. The most controversal state and should always be justified to respect the users. Bugs can be rejected because:
- Behavour is as designed and not regarded as a bug.
- Feature request - not a bug.
- The bug cannot be reproduced by anyone and has been in monitor state for a long time.
- Bug is related to using old version of the program or old version of shared libraries or non-compatible hardware and we will not implement the compatibility
Topic revision: r1 - 12 Apr 2009, ProjectContributor
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