Motion - Support Question 2005x 11x 04x 064358

Failed to open video loopback


This is the error msg i try to start motion

Failed to open video loopback

I have this in my thread config file
#camera 1
videodevice /dev/video0
target_dir /storage/camera1
#0 for tv tuner, 1 for composite
input 1
video_pipe /dev/video4

I've already followed the steps in the vloopback installation page but I still can't get it to work. Can someone please give me some advice? Thanks

edit: if i copy the videodevice, input, video_pipe options to the motion.conf file and comment out the thread lines it will work. It just doesn't work when I put it in a thread config file.


Motion version: 3.2.3
ffmpeg version: 0.4.9pre1
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: debian 3.1, kernel

-- MadOnion87 - 04 Nov 2005


You should post your entire motion.conf and thread files. It is impossible to figure out without. You can attach them to this topic.

Please put error messages and config info inside VERBATIM tags. Otherwise TWiki will no make line breaks.

-- KennethLavrsen - 07 Nov 2005


I've attached my conf. Thanks Learning how to use this wiki lol

-- MadOnion87 - 08 Nov 2005

  • cam1.conf: my other thread files are the same, except i change the /dev/videoN and location etc.

Thanks. Strange error. I can see you have this strange reduced motion.conf file from the debian package. There could be something we have overlooked. Please try and start Motion in a mode that works. Make sure the remote control is enabled. Then connect to the http remote control with a browser and do All -> Config -> Write -> Are you sure? -> Yes

Then you get your motion.conf in the right format with all the help texts. I think we have a better chance to fix things from this foundation.

Angel - if you read this - if you have time can I kindly ask you to make a new deb with the /etc/motion/motion.conf which is the real motion-dist.conf? It is OK to alter the intro text - but all the options with all the help texts should be there. I have seen several bug reports from Debian users that simply miss some settings because the debian motion.conf is not complete.

-- KennethLavrsen - 08 Nov 2005

The output overwrites the original motion.conf right? I've attached the new conf file in the attachment. Is there anyway is testing if a video loopback device works? Since the error message did say can't open the vloopback
[1] Failed to open video loopback
[1] Thread finishing...
thanks for your reply

edit: ok I've solved the problem by running insmod vloopback.ko pipes=4, I can't believe I've missed that. Thanks heaps

Topic revision: r8 - 01 Dec 2005, KennethLavrsen
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