Motion - Web Index

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Results from Motion web retrieved at 21:27 (GMT)

A4Tech PK 900H (vimicro z star 0ac8:3500) 5960717.163368 usb 1 1: new high speed USB device number 9 using ehci pci 5960717.437133 usb 1 1: New USB device foun...
NEW - 23 Jul 2015 - 09:37 by TosiaraT
To get ACTi cameras working you need the latest firmware for the camera. Use the value in motion.conf: netcam_url bin/cmd/system?GET_STRE...
r5 - 06 Oct 2015 - 10:06 by DmitryTsarev
A Link IPC1 A LINK 54 MBPS WLAN IP CAMERA Camera info http://www.a 82 Eur IP camera bought from * netca...
r2 - 08 Feb 2010 - 22:58 by JuanJosePablos
Acer Orbicam bison ( 5986:0100 ) This webcam is embedded in some Acer laptops , tested with uvcvideo svn r117 and motion 3.2.8 Main.AngelCarpintero 22 Jul 200...
NEW - 04 Oct 2009 - 00:02 by JuanJosePablos
Main.JaimeCataà ±o 10 Jul 2016
NEW - 10 Jul 2016 - 05:42 by JaimeCataño
Advanced Filenames Motion has a very advanced and flexible automated filenaming feature. By using conversion specifiers (codes that consist of a '%' followed by...
Affiliated Business In the interest of users of Motion the project accepts arrangements with affiliated businesses that allows a business to offer discounts on th...
AirLink SkyIPCam500W Wireless Night Vision Network Camera Airlink101 AIC250W Wireless Camera For the most part (a...
NEW - 08 Feb 2010 - 22:58 by JuanJosePablos
alg_diff_standard MMX patch Introduction This patch contains MMX assembler addition to the alg_diff_standard function. The benefit is a major speed improvement, ...
Answered Questions Headline Age Last Change
Area Detect Feature Description of Patch This patch adds the ability to detect motion in predefined areas and execute an event immediately upon detection. The ev...
r11 - 09 Oct 2017 - 19:02 by RaC
Questions Asked but Not Yet Answered: Headline Age Last Change
Assigned Bug To Name of person the bug resolution is assigned to. Use Wiki Name. e.g. Main.KennethLavrsen If the bug resolution is being done by a specific person...
Who is in charge to find more information on the Question, for AssignedQuestions. His duty is to then change the Question status to either: * AnsweredQuestions...
Assigned Questions Headline Age Last Change * Assigned To *
GCC Optimizations for Intel Atom CPU Description of Patch This patch includes optimization for Intel Atom CPU " march=core2 mfpmath=sse mssse3 mmmx" into conf...
r3 - 21 Sep 2009 - 10:09 by AngelCarpintero
Prevent auto brightness changes from triggering brightness oscillations Description of Patch This patch changes the auto brightness algorithm to avoid making fur...
NEW - 04 May 2009 - 02:42 by RobertHancock
Aviosys IP9100A 4 port video capture unit (Ethernet) The only 4 port "net camera" I am aware of, but beware it does not give high fps. It is however quite cheap. ...
NEW - 04 Oct 2009 - 00:24 by JuanJosePablos
Avoid Cleanup Segfault Introduction There're some variable that are not allocated so when motion exits the cleanup process segfaults , also it's not safe to chan...
Avoid null dereference in rtsp_connect() Description of Patch Avoid a segfault when netcam_url to a rtsp netcam is wrong. Installation of Patch Download the pat...
NEW - 16 Dec 2014 - 11:15 by ChristopheGRENIER
Avoid open filedescriptors in netcam Description of Patch In motion.c /***** MOTION LOOP RETRY INITIALIZING NETCAM SECTION *****/ netcam_cleanup is called if a...
Axis 2100, 210 series net cameras (and quite possibly most Axis models) .. work very well with motion. Use this link in your motion.conf: * Axis 210: netcam_ur...
r6 - 15 May 2015 - 14:06 by AndersLarsson
Batch control of motion Introduction What does it do? I've written a small bash script for those who want to control motion by batch or cron and for instance sto...
r2 - 12 Nov 2008 - 15:03 by JonZeeff
BestPreviewShot Patch Introduction Major improvement of the preview shots feature (output_normal=first). You can now select to save the best picture of an event ...
enhanced ffmpeg detection Description of Patch This patch tries to enhance the detection of ffmpeg libraries and headers in . Installation of Patch...
Bluecherry /bluecherry.jpg Website Curtis Hall has kindly offered 15% to users of Motion (and Zoneminder) on video capture cards. To obt...
r8 - 16 Oct 2016 - 19:22 by QwQw
BluetoothMotion Introduction Start and stop motion based on the presence or absence of a bluetooth mobile phone. Detailed Description It requires you to have a...
r4 - 23 Feb 2010 - 19:23 by RupertPlumridge
Patch Title Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Hue Introduction This patch allows motion to set the brightness, contrast, saturation and hue for a video source. ...
Upgrade to ( bugfixes ) Description of Patch Bugfixes for motion 3.2.11 , some backported from svn trunk and other from debian , suse and contributors. ...
Motion Bug Metrics %SEARCH{"*" topic="BugReport20*" web="Motion" type="regex" nonoise="on" casesensitive="on" format="$percntCALC{$SET(val, $formfield...
BUG: Added by Kenneth Lavrsen on behalf of Main.MikeLees. I think I have spotted a minor bug with config file save if I set text_left to have leading spaces vi...
BUG: I have trouble capturing ffmpeg movie 640x480 @ 25fps. I have bt878 card (Hauppauge WinTV? Express), AMD 2000 processor and 512MB of memory. I'm using Linu...
BUG: I'm still getting a lot of zombie processes from onsave and onmpeg when I run motion 3.1.17 in daemon ( D) mode. Here are a few examples from my 'ps ef' br...
r15 - 06 Oct 2005 - 15:21 by FredericLOIRETTE
BUG: looks like this on FreeBSD 4.10 STABLE after motion has been running for ~32 hours = 77096 root /usr/local/bin/motion \ 77097 root /usr/local/bin...
r6 - 12 Feb 2005 - 01:34 by AngelCarpintero
BUG: When running motion as daemon, I am getting application bug warnings emitted from SYSLOG an Redhat AS 3. The error is as follows. Oct 26 08:43:43 localhost...
BUG: My quickcam orbit didn't correctly move the camera towards a moving object. This seems to be caused by the fact that the y axis is inverted. The camera Y ax...
BUG: great job you´re doing here. respect! though i have problems w/ my installation. system: SUSE Linux 2.6.9 #3 Sun Nov 14 17:17:40 CET 2004 x86_64 x86_64 x86...
BUG: motion contrl info cause a crash of motion. This occurs in the version 3.1.18 snap 7 In the version 3.1.17 the problem did not occurs. In the version 3.1.17...
BUG: It s a little bit strange "motion control conf list" on the localhost but not on a remote host. the error produced is: XML RPC Fault: no element found ( 503...
BUG: This program runs well straight from the debian package with the given config file. However, when I add the command "rotate 180" in the config file, motion ...
BUG: When compiling with ffmpeg support on a basic fedora core 3 system I end up with the following error: gcc I/usr/include/ffmpeg g O2 DHAVE_CURL DHAVE_F...
BUG: Using last snapshot ( motion 3.1.18_snap8 ) with ffmpeg 0.4.8 compiled from source and with logitech Sphere ( pwc 10.0.5 ). modprobe pwc size=vga mbufs=3 ...
BUG: The file motion_guide.html contains picture with a link to the motion web site. In this case to see the pictures if is necessary to have an internet connect...
BUG: The end of output of motion h says Will read motion.conf from current directory, ~ and /opt/motion/motion 3.1.17/etc. Where "~" should apparently actually ...
BUG: Does that phrase in docs mean "enable only one of" or "don't confuse with"? Test case Environment Motion version: 3.1.17 Shared libraries: ...
BUG: If I set the target_dir configuration variable to a value where there is no write permissions, motion simply exits with a "Thread exiting" message when it a...
BUG: When mencoder (of the Mplayer package) is encoding and the user presses ^C, mencoder completes the file gracefully and exits only then, thus leaving behind ...
BUG: The configuration is working with motion version 3.1.17 but the crash occurs in the version 3.1.18. The behaviour of motion is a little bit strange: if a se...
BUG: Calling motion with a netcam I get a segmentation fault. In the standard motion.conf I only put a ";" in front of the "videodevice" And "tunerdevice" and ad...
BUG: My Labtec (HDCS 1020) camera is mounted upside down. Using rotate 180 gives some sort of interleaved corruption of the image. I have to use an external scri...
Number of topics: 50
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Topic revision: r4 - 19 Aug 2014, KennethLavrsen
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