Motion - Bug Report 2004x 10x 25x 084137
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>BugReports>BugReport2004x10x25x084137 (12 Feb 2005, AngelCarpintero)Edit Attach

BUG: Zombie (mail) processes from motiondetection on FreeBSD

looks like this on FreeBSD 4.10-STABLE after motion has been running for ~32 hours

 | |-+= 77096 root /usr/local/bin/motion
 | | \-+- 77097 root /usr/local/bin/motion
 | |   |-+- 77099 root /usr/local/bin/motion
 | |   | |--- 85906 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 85935 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 85991 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 85998 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86025 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86039 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86059 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86072 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86092 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86099 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86121 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86141 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86154 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86168 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86201 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86222 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86242 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86268 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86282 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86322 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86338 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86351 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86384 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86398 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86431 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86460 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86483 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86503 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86510 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86530 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86537 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86557 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86578 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86593 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86620 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86627 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86634 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86668 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86688 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86708 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86722 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86735 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86756 root (mail)
 | |   | |--- 86795 root (mail)
 | |   | \--- 86809 root (mail)

and if I pick one:
rroot [blackhole] # lsof -p 85906
rroot [blackhole] # ps fuax|grep 85906
root   85906  0.0  0.0     0    0  ??  Z     6:22AM   0:00.00  (mail)

If you need any more details from this system (bug is reproducable) please tell me!

Rupert , the "bug" happens using mail in motion.conf or any other trigger as onsave ?

-- AngelCarpintero - 25 Oct 2004

Test case


Motion version: 3.1.17
Shared libraries: curl, xmlrpc, ffmpeg, mysql
Server OS: FreeBSD 4.10-STABLE

-- RupertRoeslerSchmidt - 25 Oct 2004

Follow up

Note that you can attach your config files to the bug report. You can also attach any shell script.

-- KennethLavrsen - 25 Oct 2004

Fix record

Rejected. Bug cannot be reproduced without more info and details about the scripts.

-- KennethLavrsen - 14 Nov 2004

Lack of information and not feedback. Reopen if it still happening in motion-3.1.18 or later.

-- AngelCarpintero - 12 Feb 2005
Topic revision: r6 - 12 Feb 2005, AngelCarpintero
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