BUG: Missing picture in the help file
The file motion_guide.html contains picture with a link to the motion web site.
In this case to see the pictures if is necessary to have an internet connection.
The pictures should be included into the source distribution and the link should relative to the location of motion_guide.html file.
Background: XMotion (version from CVS) have an a menu item which show the Motion help installed on /usr/share/doc/motion. This help window is not able to retrieve pictures from the WEB.
Test case
Motion version: |
3.1.17 |
Shared libraries: |
curl, xmlrpc, ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql |
Server OS: |
SebastienFricker - 20 Dec 2004
Follow up
I would not mind fixing this. But it needs to be done with the
make dist method.
Proposed code welcome.
Sebastien Fricker:
The command:
sed -e 's/http:\/\/www.lavrsen.dk\/twiki\/pub\/Motion\/[^/]*\/\([^"/]*\)/images\/\1/g' motion_guide.html > motion_guide_rel_images.htm
replace every link from
http://www.lavrsen.dk/twiki/pub/Motion/ to the local folder images. The code can be put into the installation script.
The pictures normal.jpg, outputnormal.jpg, outputmotion.jpg, outputmotion-EedD.jpg should be put into the source distribution.
Fix record
Instead of fixing this I will reject it for now. The reason is that the Motion Guide is becomming too long to be one document. I would like to split it up soon so that I can better refactor special topics.
There will still be a guide but maybe shorter.
Maybe we should talk about how the manual for XMotion could work with what is on the TWiki. We can do many tricks on TWiki with special topics that includes parts of others.
KennethLavrsen - 24 Jan 2005