Music - Little Transformer

Little Transformer

An instrumental with a huge sound. A mix of acoustic instruments, cool synth patches, processed vocals, processed piano. And drums. Huge macho drums.

And naturally a strong melody.

As I was making this music I had been playing some gentle instruments and had some ideas of the drums. I told my wife that I wanted her to hear the drum fills I wanted to do. So the music was playing and I was sitting at the keyboard playing the massive drum sounds very loud. So Diane told me that I was her Little Transformer going from gentle man to huge monster with my drumming. So that is the story behind the title "Little Transformer"

Loud sound and good speakers enhance this music for sure. Enjoy the fun

Genre: Pop
Artists: Kenneth Lavrsen
Composer: Kenneth Lavrsen
Published: 12 Jan 2014
Copyright: 2014

Topic revision: r3 - 21 Jul 2018, KennethLavrsen
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