Music - Not So Bad At All

Not So Bad At All

I wrote this song back in February inspired by my 25th year anniversary as an employee in the same company.

And as always I intended to write lyrics. And as always I get stuck after 2 lines. I am just not a poet. I am a composer.

The idea of the song was some words like

Same place - 25 years
"Same place of joy and with fears
Lala la la la laaa
.... it was
Not so bad at all"

If one of you with more poetic genes want to write lyrics and/or sing it - I am always ready for a collab.

Image is from my reception at work. Yeah. Having a drink again.

Genre: Pop
Artists: Kenneth Lavrsen
Composer: Kenneth Lavrsen
Published: 14 May 2013
Copyright: 2013

Topic revision: r3 - 22 Jul 2018, KennethLavrsen
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