Music - Scullcom


Scullcom is short for Scullcom Hobby Electronics which is the name of a Youtube Channel that I watch and also the name of a website.

This Youtuber is called Louis Scully and he has a wonderful way of explaining electronics so hobby people can understand the process of how to engineer stuff and improve it further along the way.

Besides being a music geek I have always been an electronics geek and that is also what I make my living from.
I built an electronic load which was inspired heavily by one he created in a video series and then I created my own version.

So as a tribute to Louis I present this song. As I post this he does not know anything about it. Maybe he likes it. Maybe he hates it and then I have to renames it to something else. We will see ;-)

Thank you Louis for your wonderful warm and interesting channel

Genre: Pop
Artists: Kenneth Lavrsen
Composer: Kenneth Lavrsen
Published: 19 Jul 2018
Copyright: 2018

Topic revision: r1 - 19 Jul 2018, KennethLavrsen
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