PWC - About PWC
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About PWC version 10+

Text below is a derived from the pwc-10.X readme file

PWC version 10+ is a fork of the discontinued pwc driver originally made by Nemosoft Unv.

The fork is created by Luc Saillard (

You don't need binary module (pwcx) with this driver like you did with the original pwc driver. Decompression is supported for up to resolutions 640x480. The driver is designed for Linux 2.6, patches for 2.4 are not tested.

If you don't want to patches your kernel, just grab the tarball, and do a make to build the module. The module is ~80kbytes long, and allocate ~60kbytes of kernel memory. For the moment, the decompressor is in the kernel, so don't flame Luc for this. He is planning to support v4l2 and a userland library to convert the image. Decompression mode, or convert is just copying some lookup table.

(Kenneth Lavrsen hopes the decompressor stays in the module until such a userland library is available, working and adopted by applications - even if this means it will not become part of the Kernel for a long time).

About the PWC documentation project

The site you are viewing now is a sister-site to Luc Saillard's site.

Kenneth Lavrsen offered Luc help with maintaining documentation for the pwc driver. Luc happily accepted this stating that he liked programming but not writing.

This site is a Wiki. This means that anyone that registers can edit and improve any page on this site (except a few administration pages). You do not have to ask for permission. And you should expect that others may re-write what you wrote 5 minutes later. That is true open source documentation.

-- KennethLavrsen - 04 Dec 2004
Topic revision: r3 - 08 Dec 2004, KennethLavrsen
Copyright © 1999-2025 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors.
Please do not email Kenneth for support questions. Kenneth only maintains the wiki.
Luc Saillard is the author of the PWC driver and he does not like direct emails either. Please join the Mailing List and ask your questions there.