WiFi Cam and "connection refused" after a random time


Hello, I've got some trouble using a WIFI ipcam with "netcam_url" using "http://xxx.xxx.x.x/picture.jpg" (not able to use "http://xxx.xxx.x.x/video.cgi").

It seems my ipcam refuse my server connection ("connection refused") after a random time.

My Ipcam run under a linux OS, and impossible to update or make a SSH, FTP, telnet..

My cam have small Apache server, and after this error ("connection refused") this small Apache server is down.

Any Help will really enjoy me smile


Motion version: 3.2.3
ffmpeg version:  
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: Debian

-- PatriceGaudicheau - 27 Oct 2005


From IRC

[22:23] <P_jung> Hello, I've got some trouble using an ipcam with "netcam_url" 
        using "http://xxx.xxx.x.x/picture.jpg" (not able to use "http://xxx.xxx.x.x/video.cgi").
        It seems my ipcam refuse my server connect after a random time. My Ipcam run under linux,
        and impossible to update or make a SSH, FTP, telnet..
[22:29] <P_jung> (a WiFi ipcam)
[22:54] <Lavr> P How fast do you try and fetch images?
[22:55] <P_jung> 3/second
[22:56] <Lavr> OK. Not very fast. I thought that maybe the camera got overloaded. Maybe it is.
        Have you tried 2? (lowest Motion will do)
[22:56] <Lavr> What format is the video.cgi?
[22:57] <P_jung> I haven't, but I will try. Framerate at 2 is ok for me.
[22:58] <Lavr> Is the video.cgi mpeg or mjpeg?
[22:58] <P_jung> About the video.cgi, I don't know the format. I only know that it is play by a Javascript :(
[22:59] <P_jung> (on I.E.)
[23:01] <Lavr> So when you look up ../video.cgi in IE a webpage containing the stream is loaded?
[23:04] <P_jung> when I put directly "http://xxx.xxx.x.x/video.cgi" IE ask me to "Open" or to "Save".
        And of course when I choose one or other, it is a stream (no end)
[23:04] <Lavr> Can you see the stream in Firefox? (may have to refresh once).
[23:06] <P_jung> I can't see the stream in Firefox played by the Javascript, and nothing happend
        when I put directly "http://xxx.xxx.x.x/video.cgi"
[23:07] <P_jung> My wifi cam is cheap :)
[23:09] <Lavr> If you look at this page http://www.lavrsen.dk/twiki/bin/view/Motion/NetcamMjpegStreamDumps ....
[23:09] <Lavr> and use this program http://www.lavrsen.dk/twiki/bin/view/Motion/MjpegSniffer
[23:09] <Lavr> you can create a raw binary dump to analyse what is actually being sent.
[23:10] <P_jung> ok
[23:10] <Lavr> It is most likely an mpeg stream which Motion cannot (yet) decode.
[23:11] <Lavr> Another thing to try. The last snap release has improved the netcam code.
        One thing is that the camera waits a while for the camera to respond before it
        fetches next image.
[23:11] <Lavr> http://www.lavrsen.dk/twiki/bin/view/Motion/MotionRelease3x2x4snap3
[23:11] <Lavr> This may cause less freezes from your cheap camera.
[23:13] <Lavr> You can also try http://www.lavrsen.dk/twiki/bin/view/Motion/MotionDailySourceSnap
        Currently the daily snap is in a good shape. You can see in the CHANGELOG what has changed.
        A few things in the Netcam code as well.
[23:15] <P_jung> Woo :) I thanks You a lot for all this good links
[23:15] <Lavr> Your welcome. Good luck.
[23:16] <P_jung> Thanks again. It was a real pleasure to talk to You.

-- KennethLavrsen - 28 Oct 2005

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Topic revision: 28 Oct 2005, KennethLavrsen
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