The is a happy pop song. Very upbeat and light music that should cure any luring winter depression.
I have tried to write some lyrics but besides the coffee theme I am blank.
The idea is that the song should be a duet. The structure is BCABCABC where B is verse, C is chorus, and A are middle pieces that could stay instrumental.
If anyone feels like taking a stab at doing some lyrics and arranging a male/female duet it could be great fun. The B and C pieces are in C-major and the A piece modulates to F major and then back to C major.
My idea of lyrics was a plain pop lyric about enjoying life at the coffee bar meeting friends, eating cakes, and drinking cafe latte. But if someone gets a better idea then I am perfectly OK with that too.
Genre: Pop
Artists: Kenneth Lavrsen
Composer: Kenneth Lavrsen
Published: 08 Feb 2012
Copyright: 2012