Music - Hymn Of Peace 2023

Hymn of Peace 2023

This is a new version of a song I posted in 2012. A simple song with simple melody, simple chords, and a simple message. I always wanted to repost this song one day with actual lyrics. The occation is that we need peace right now more than ever. Voices are a mix of AI voices and my own voice.

Genre: Classical
Artists: Kenneth Lavrsen
Composer: Kenneth Lavrsen
Lyrics: Kenneth Lavrsen
Published: 13 Nov 2023
Copyright: 2023


No more bloodshed
Only happiness
People united
With joy, and love, and peace

In a world where anger lies
Let the kindness sway
Let the power of laughter rise
There is a better way

Side by side united we stand
Singing so gracefully
Come with us we will take your hand
Bring love and harmony

Topic revision: r5 - 15 Jul 2024, KennethLavrsen
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