Music - I Still Love You

I Still Love you

In April 2024 Dave (Sprout) posted a song "I still Love You". I loved the melody and it stayed in my head for weeks and I kept on going back to listen to it.
Finally I asked Dave for permission to make a cover version which he accepted. Here is the result.

Music and Lyrics: Sprout
All instruments played by Kenneth Lavrsen
Arrangement, mix, and additional lyrics by Kenneth Lavrsen
Vocals are generated from midi and text and love using Synthesizer V

Also available in
full CD Quality

Genre: Pop
Artists: Kenneth Lavrsen
Composer: Sprout
Lyrics: Sprout
Published: 25 May 2024
Copyright: 2024


I still Love You (2024)

Lately love's a test
we don't know what to do,
our hearts have lost their way
in a world that seems so blue.

And it's been 15 years
since we both said, I do
On that day we made a vow
to live together me and you.

Then the winds of change
started bringing on the rain,
creating all the floods that made
us sadly drift apart again

But I still love you
and I still love all the things you do
and I still love you
please tell me that you still love me too

When we are apart my heart has no life
We were created, husband and wife
I open my arms; need to be
holding you so close to me,
All we've been through,
My love, I still love you

Life can be a crazy ride
But together side by side
we can face the whole wide world with love
that no force can divide.

Love can climb a mountain
and it can build a bridge
It can take us on a journey
Open your heart and let it in

What we have is special
and it comes from deep within
a love that others dream about
our hearts were born to win

And I still love you
My love for you will always be true
I simply love you
It's just me and you and you love me, too

We know that the day that one of us pass
Our love will be a memory that will last
I open my arms; need you to be
holding you so close to me,
All we've been through,
My love, I still love you

Topic revision: r1 - 26 May 2024, KennethLavrsen
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