When the station lose commmunication with external captors, it displays '---' on the screen. In this case, mysql2300 return really big values (ex : 25 m/s for wind, 80°C for external temperature, ...).
It may be a good idear to return null values instead.
Test case
Break communication with external captors, and see.
See my attachment. mysqlhistlog2300 skips all records with humidity > 100%. Most wrong measurements are prevented by this. Setting to ZERO or NULL would tackle statistics so I decided better to skip the whole record. Can be extended for temp or airspeed on request.
Regards -- OschenLars - 25 Mar 2007
Fix record
For my own record. I have taken this version of mysqlhistlog.c into my 1.11 sources.
-- KennethLavrsen - 19 Jul 2006