50 recent changes in Open2300 Web retrieved at 10:50 (GMT)

BUG: My ws2300 occasionally fails to reset. In that case the various programs print "Could not reset" to stderr and exit with exit code 0. This should be some sm...
Skip Data Rubbish Prevent from adding nonsense data Introduction Sometimes the transmissions between the sensors and the display fails. Data is then completely u...
Histlog To Mysql Introduction Not a patch but a new program. Description of Patch Read all data from WS2300 memory and store them in the open2300 mysql datastru...
Empty File Support Introduction If called with an empty logfile histlog2300 fails to run. Description of Patch The else part of the date check routine has an e...
BUG: Something on wunderground's server has changed, it is not accepting data from wu2300 any more. (my last good data submitted with the 1.10 version of wu230...
BUG: when mysql2300 is done with putting data in the database it does not close the connection. mysqlclose(); should be implemented asap! tcp 0 0 tor...
BUG: mysql2300 may fail when daylight saving time ends. This is because the timstamp column is a unique key, and the value stored in it is local time. When DST e...
r3 - 10 Jun 2006 - 21:34 by OschenLars
#SubmitNewBug Submit New Bug Report This form starts a new topic for each bug. * Consider filing a Support Request unless you are very sure you have found a...
Create New Patch Topic To post a new patch all you have to do is to fill out the form below and submit it. Note that the topic name must be a TWiki.WikiWord. To...
Ask a Support Question: Before you ask a question, please check: * User Guide Describes how to use the programs. * Installation Guide Describes ...
Question This fix needs to be incorporated for WU2300 to function. Thanks for the great code!! Environment Open2300 version: 1.10 Libraries: m...
NEW - 19 May 2006 - 22:53 by BobHillis
Question Hello. I did the same question before, but I don't see it in the twiki, so maybe I have done something wrong. I will try to explain again. First of all, ...
Question Im running WD and imports data from consol (WS 2305). I have a lot of trouble importning my data. Sometimes it takes 10 restarts before i works. Sometim...
NEW - 16 Apr 2006 - 14:59 by JwWd
Feature Request: Description Overview: If you own a ws2300 weather station (ws22310, ws2315, etc.), operate it in a wired mode, and use the Virtual Weather Sta...
NEW - 14 Apr 2006 - 20:19 by KurtLinebaugh
Question I try to connect a heavyweather WS2300 station to the free2move bluetooth RS232 connector. This fails as the WS2300 doesn #8217;t use the ground signal. ...
NEW - 13 Apr 2006 - 12:38 by AndersSvensson
Question Hi Kenneth, thanks for your quick reply. XAMPP is an apache mysql php perl bundle. I did not install mysql using RPMs, but I guess mysql was installed ...
NEW - 18 Mar 2006 - 21:18 by ClemensKlimczok
Question Hi all, How will I have to modify the Makefile to get mysql2300 running on a Linux Box with XAMPP ? Trying to install gave me : # make mysql2300 gcc Wal...
r4 - 11 Mar 2006 - 14:39 by ClemensKlimczok
Question I have a WS2300 and I would like to use it on a Mac working under OS X 10.3.9 but I am not skilled in Unix practice. So I would like to know : 1. Out of ...
r3 - 08 Mar 2006 - 06:08 by PeterTattersall
Question I have a WS 8610U, not one of the La Crosse models mentioned. When I try to run an open2300 application, it pauses for a while, then prints "Could not re...
NEW - 23 Feb 2006 - 07:11 by DougBrown
Rain Offset By Config File Introduction The rain value in the history area (used by histlog2300 and mysqlhistlog2300) might differ from the current values. Kenne...
BUG: I have some trouble with the histlog stuff. The problem is my workstations does not run all days. When I switch it on mostly at the weekend I would like...
NEW - 18 Feb 2006 - 13:55 by OschenLars
Feature Request: Description When I use minmax2300 it resets all counters. I would like to be able to reset individual counters/functions when an error occurs t...
Question I have been bumbling around trying to resolve this problem with XML2300 and open2300. I am running WinXp Sp2, HeavyWeather 2.0 Beta, and a WS2315 statio...
Feature Request: Description Hi ! It would realy help if this soft was available as a port for FreeBSD, can you think about it ? Thanks links : http://freebsd.o...
Question Hello. I have been having a difficult time trying to get the xml2300 utility to work with my 2310 Weather station. I have installed HeavyWeather 2.0 Beta...
Feature Request: Description The current set of data reading functions block a for long time trying to talk to the WS2300. If after this period they have not be...
Question Hi, I have the open2300 package working great with my WS 2317 system. I also have the weathergraphs package mostly working, but having problems with the ...
ModBus ModBus is a simple data exchange protocol created by Modicon. It is used in industrial data acquisition environments and is known for its simplicity and s...
ModBus support for WS2300 data acquisition Introduction This utility acts as a daemon, listening for connections then honoring specific ModBus requests for WS230...
BUG: From Johan Andersson user at Sourceforge Hi, There is a error in definition of the weather table used by mysql2300 program. The problem occurs only when the...
Question Feel free to back hand if I did not include all the info you need, but I basically can't seem to find where the format of the log2300 file is stated. I w...
Feature Request: Description Hello; I was going to start coding up a 'vws2300' that will output the CVS format used by Virtual Weather Station.... That is, unl...
BUG: Occasionally the WS2300 will lose communication with the external sensors. In this case, a large number of retries is performed. According to the source the...
NEW - 22 Sep 2005 - 16:43 by SteveSouth
Question DIGI_NED is running as a APRS WX station on a old 386 PC with DR DOS 7.03. It run from a bootable floppy and make a ramdisk where the programs run. I nee...
Support The TWiki Support pages are here for you if you have a technical question or any question about the use of . is free software and does not include suppor...
Feature Request: Description Hi I am the operator of the automatic weather map network AWEKAS (www.awekas.at). It would be graet if your software can export a ...
r2 - 23 Aug 2005 - 09:09 by PeterKnoppers
Open2300 C Version Introduction Starting with open2300 v 1.10, I am doing an Object Oriented Design into C . I am relying totally on the logic, procedures, and...
r2 - 20 Aug 2005 - 21:44 by JimCollins
ws.con a data converter for ham radio enthusiasts Introduction ws.con a data converter for ham radio enthusiasts Detailed Description ws.con is a data trans...
Feature Request: Description I'm a newbie in php development. Then, I could rewrite my PHP page for having my WS2300 info displayed on my PC or my Smartphone, f...
NEW - 03 Jul 2005 - 22:02 by PierreLagrange
Feature Requests from Users This topic has been changed to a more user friendly Twiki application with submit form and a topic with comment field and form for ea...
Bug Reports The Open2300 TWiki Bug Reporting is here for you if wish to report a bug in Open2300. New Bugs Not yet assigned to anyone. Headline Submitted By...
Mailing List Open2300 currently uses a Yahoo Group and its mailing list. * http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Lacrosse_weather_stations/ The mails address is * L...
Scheduled for Open2300 Version The version of Open2300 that this patch is scheduled to be included in. Name Type Tooltip message NotScheduled option ...
Patch for Open2300 Version The version of Open2300 for which this patch is made. It may work on earlier or later versions but this is the release that the patch w...
Patch Status The status of the patch. * PlannedPatch Patch is planned but not yet coded * PatchInProgress Patch is being coded but no files released yet...
Roadmap for Open2300 The roadmap for Open2300 is continuously being updated and it highly driven by Feature Requests and ideas from the regular programmer. D...
#SubmitNewFeatureRequest Submit New Feature Request This form creates a new TWiki topic for each feature request. * Read through all the existing feature re...
%NOP{ * Note: Do not edit this topic, file a bug in BugReports * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup }% BUG: Test case Environment Open2300 ...
%NOP{ * Note: Do not edit this topic, ask a question in WebHome * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup }% Question Environment Open2300 version:...
Patches for Open2300 Patches Planned Patch Summary Submitted By Topic Last Updated Patches in Progress Patch Summary Submitted By Topic Last Updat...
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