Motion - Config Option Ffmpeg Timelapse


  • Type: Boolean
  • Range / Valid values: 0 - 2147483647
  • Default: 0 (disabled)
  • Group: Movie File Output

Create a timelapse movie saving a picture frame at the interval in seconds set by this parameter. Set it to 0 if not used., Create a timelapse movie saving a picture frame at the interval in seconds set by this parameter. Set it to 0 if not used.

This feature uses ffmpegs libavcodec to encode a timelapse movie saving a picture frame at the interval in seconds set by this parameter. Setting this option to 0 disables it.

The feature gives your viewer the chance to watch the day pass by. It makes a nice effect to film flowers etc closeup during the day. Options like frame_rate, snapshot, gap etc have no impact on the ffmpeg timelapse function.

Note that the timelapse format is always mpeg1 independent of ffmpeg_video_codec. This is because mpeg1 allows the timelapse to stop and the file to be reopened and more film appended.

To use this feature you need to install the FFmpeg Streaming Multimedia System.

(renamed from ffmpeg_timelaps to ffmpeg_timelapse in 3.1.14)
Topic revision: r8 - 07 Aug 2016, KennethLavrsen
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