Motion - Config Option Sdl Threadnr


  • Type: Integer
  • Range / Valid values: 1-65535
  • Default: Not defined
  • Group: Runtime Options

The SDL option is optional and unusual. When SDL is included in the building of Motion, there is the ability for Motion to create a SDL preview window for the user. The author believes this option to be more of a proof of concept on how to create a SDL window and show the image. (This same functionality can be achieved via the stream options) To activate the SDL window, include SDL support in the building of the Motion application. Start Motion and note the thread number indicated. Once that is noted, specify that thread number (or 1 more than that number) for this option. When Motion is started again, it will then create a SDL window to preview the image. To close the window, press X. Author is not aware of any method to restart the SDL window after it has been closed. , The SDL option is optional and unusual. When SDL is included in the building of Motion, there is the ability for Motion to create a SDL preview window for the user. The author believes this option to be more of a proof of concept on how to create a SDL window and show the image. (This same functionality can be achieved via the stream options) To activate the SDL window, include SDL support in the building of the Motion application. Start Motion and note the thread number indicated. Once that is noted, specify that thread number (or 1 more than that number) for this option. When Motion is started again, it will then create a SDL window to preview the image. To close the window, press X. Author is not aware of any method to restart the SDL window after it has been closed.

This feature is considered experimental in nature
Topic revision: r2 - 07 Aug 2016, KennethLavrsen
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