Motion - Config Option Thread


  • Type: String
  • Range / Valid values: Max 4095 characters
  • Default: Not defined
  • Group: System Processing

Specifies full path and filename for a thread config file. Each camera needs a thread config file containing the options that are unique to the camera. If you only have one camera you do not need thread config files. If you have two or more cameras you need one thread config file for each camera in addition to motion.conf. This option must be placed in motion.conf and not in a thread config file., Specifies full path and filename for a thread config file. Each camera needs a thread config file containing the options that are unique to the camera. If you only have one camera you do not need thread config files. If you have two or more cameras you need one thread config file for each camera in addition to motion.conf. This option must be placed in motion.conf and not in a thread config file.

This is used when you have more than one camera/device.

The single camera can get all its options from the default motion.conf file. If you have two or more cameras every camera must have its unique information in a separate thread config file. This must be at least the definition of the device or input number of a capture card.

Additionally you can add any other options such as target_dir, height/width etc. Format of the thread config files is the same as for the motion.conf.

You add one thread statement for each camera in motion.conf. Example
thread /usr/local/etc/thread1.conf
thread /usr/local/etc/thread2.conf

An option in a thread config file overrides the same option in motion.conf. This means that the options in motion.conf becomes the default value for all the cameras. The thread options must be the last options in the motion.conf file.
Topic revision: r9 - 07 Aug 2016, KennethLavrsen
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