Motion - Create Feature Request

Submit New Feature Request

This form creates a new topic for each feature request.

  • Read through all the existing feature requests. Maybe it is already there. You are welcome to edit an existing feature request topic to add more or simply say why you also want the feature.
  • Look at the RoadMap topic. Maybe we have already planned it.
  • Make sure you read the MotionGuide. The feature may already be there.
  • Remember that Motion is made 100% by a small team of volunteer people as a hobby project. If you want to code the feature yourself, it is more likely to be included. KennethLavrsen always reserves the right to reject a feature if it does not comply with the original idea of Motion or it will slow down or maybe even break existing features.

Topic name: FeatureRequest2025x03x13x201404
Title Short Title
Submitted By Use the prefix Main. in front of your Wiki name.
  Note: Request is submitted after you Create and Save the following page
Topic revision: r2 - 10 Apr 2009, KennethLavrsen
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