Motion - D Link
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Worked out of the box. The only config I had to do was to set the camera IP address and 802.11b settings. It came with a 'wizard' which I tried to run on my Windows box but I couldn't get it to even start (I just like to remind people every now and then that even the billion dollar OS still has a few flaws). Fortunately you don't need the wizard, you just browse to the factory default IP address ( and up comes the admin page.

It is not weatherproof. I mounted it in a window of the house. I had some trouble with glare from the sun, but I made a shade by cutting a hole in a piece of cardboard and that fixed it. I liked the hardware. It is not industrial strength, but it is more than you usually see in a consumer product. The mounting base is metal and will hold the cam at any angle. Also, it has mounting holes on both the top and bottom, so you can mount either from above or below.

Keep in mind that although the LAN connection is wireless, it still needs a power cord. The one that came with it was not very long, about 2m. I was going to make a low-voltage extension cable, but I realized that at 5V and 2.5A, the cable must be very fat. I had to make a 120V extension cord to reach the camera location. Including tax, shipping, and a $30 rebate, the final cost was $100 from

Use these links in your motion.conf:

  • JPEG: netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/IMAGE.JPG (for single JPEG images)
  • MJPEG: netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/VIDEO.CGI ( preferred for streaming MJPEG video)
-- LarryHowe - 14 Oct 2004
-- JeffGroves - 30 Jan 2006

if you flash it with firmware from CellVision CAS-230W cam you gain extra features (like inbound/outbound ftp etc..)

http:// dead -- EvilPete - 09 Sep 2005

CellVision has apparently been bought-out by SparkLAN ( They have firmware for the newer IP cameras for download on their site; however, they do not have the firmware for the CAS-230W. I sent them a message asking them to post it for users that still have these cameras and might want to upgrade their firmware. Warning: The link above takes you to a fake site.

Until such time as SparkLAN makes available the CAS-230W firmware, I have attached to this Foswiki page the last firmware version that I downloaded from the old site. I do not have the last firmware for the CAS-230. I have every confidence that the firmware for the CAS-230W will work as the downloads from the former site; however, I have to add a disclaimer to use it at your own risk. This is a firmware update and as such has inherent risk of damaging the device that it is installed upon. I cannot be held responsible for this firmware upgrade killing your camera:

  • Firmware update for CAS-230W based IP cameras. (When installed reports Firmware Version: 2.34 (2004-11-05))
-- JeffGroves - 01 Feb 2007

To flash the firmware, you will need the "IPView Lite" program that came with the camera or is available at the D-Link web site under "Support". Do not update the firmware OTA -- connect a network cable to the camera instead:

-- JeffGroves - 30 Jan 2006

Again, worked out of the box once IP address etc were set up.

The URLs to use for single image and mjpeg stream are:
  • JPEG: netcam_url
  • MJPEG: netcam_url = or just video.cgi I'm currently experiencing Motion losing connection with the net camera after less than 1 day using the video.cgi method, whereas it works 24/7 for many weeks using the image.jpg method. I am using basic user authentication, although may turn it off to see if it changes the lost connection behaviour.
Performance (fps)

I have verified 21fps from this camera (checked via my Statistics patch) in 320x240 and streaming (ie. video.cgi) access mode. In image.jpg mode (ie. non-streaming) I get 1fps. Changing to 640x480 mode, I get 4.8fps streaming and 1fps non-streaming. I used Minimum compression throughout and no throttling at the camera end.

Update: on the Zoneminder site, someone reported a bug in Rev B DCS-900 cams which greatly slows down the streaming rate. By using:

  • MJPEG w rev B firmware: netcam_url http:://
... the fps is much better. This does not work on Rev A cameras, which mine are.

The DCS-900 appears to be a relative of the Cellvision CAS-200. A visual compare of the firmware (by strings) looks very similar. No binary compare has yet been done.

There are 4 outside world I/O lines available on the CAS-200. Refer to Appendix D in its user manual. The control file is present in the DLink DCS-900 as follows: wget --post-data='Trigger1=1'

If the posting works (I will test it) it might be worth dismantling a DCS-900 to see if the I/O ports are available inside the box.

-- SimonW - 01 Nov 2006

FWIW, in my Rev B cam, the sensor board is a CAS230 Rev A1 and the other two boards are CAS330W Rev A1. Even thought it cost only $80, I'm not willing to try non-D-Link firmware. Yet. smile

-- NealMurphy - 06 Jul 2007

Tested with Motion, works very well. 640x480 video not as smooth as 320x240, but works.

  • netcam_url http://CAMERA_IP/video.cgi

The following URL's worked (with Firefox in Linux) but the video link (just like the stock java-based embedded video config screen) wouldn't auto update. Could be an issue with Firefox 2.x and not the camera.

The URLs to use for single image and mjpeg stream are:
  • JPEG: netcam_url
  • MJPEG: netcam_url
-- Ken Scott - 27 Jun 2009


Tested with motion 3.2.11.
  • JPEG: netcam_url http://x.x.x.x/image/jpeg.cgi
-- NishanthaJaanaka - 05 March 2011

Firmware version: 1.00


Tested with motion 3.2.12
  • JPEG: netcam_url http://x.x.x.x/image.jpg
  • MJPEG netcam_url http://x.x.x.x/mjpeg.cgi
-- RonBrinker - 02 Jun 2011

Tested with motion 3.3.0
  • JPEG: netcam_url http://x.x.x.x/image.jpg
  • MJPEG netcam_url http://x.x.x.x/mjpeg.cgi
-- JesperFriis - 21 Dec 2014

Tested with Motion 3.2.12
  • JPEG netcam_url http://<username>:<password>@x.x.x.x:80/image.jpg
  • MJPEG netcam_url http://<username>:<password>@x.x.x.x:80/video/mjpg.cgi
  • :80 most likely not needed on the url

Tested with stream authentication disabled however each time the mjpeg url was curled the following was returned:

curl ''
<html><body><h2>Error: Authorization Required</h2>
<p>Authentication was requested</p></body></html>

Google search returned this wiki, but also , post in that forum shows a URL that allows user authentication and returns http 200 with content using curl.

Note that only the admin user was able to access that stream, unsure why. As such the camera should be behind a firewall to lessen stream snooping. Authenticating using admin credentials is less than ideal even behind a firewall.

To test the stream curl 'http://<username>:<password>@x.x.x.x:80/video/mjpg.cgi' this returns a video stream, which should return:

--video boundary--
Content-length: 25892
Date: 01-01-2014 01:34:00 AM IO_00000000_PT_000_000
Content-type: image/jpeg
...<encoded video stream>...

-- JoeSchmoe - 04 Sep 2015


FW: 2.00
  • JPEG: URL returns a HTML page with an image embedded. The image URL itself changes randomly. Therefore cannot be used with motion directly. What I did was to run a wrapper (shell script) to pull the HTML page and then retrieve the JPEG file periodically. However the camera takes 20sec to deliver all these, per image. Therefore the whole purpose was lost.
  • JPEG URL: http://x.x.x.x/iMode.asp (by default, can be changed to anything you want in the camera config).
-- NishanthaJaanaka - 05 March 2011

Worked out of the box. The only config I had to do was to set the camera IP address and 802.11b settings. Fortunately you don't need the Windows wizard, you just browse to the factory default IP address ( and up comes the admin page.

One warning: this camera is no longer supported by D-Link. That means they won't talk to you if you have problems, and, worse, they don't supply software that can upgrade the firmware that came with the camera originally. (They do provide a program, IPView, that can upgrade the firmware if it is already relatively recent; if it's a lot out-of-date, however, you're out of luck.) (Anyone with ideas on how to solve this problem, please post them!)

Use these links in your motion.conf:

  • JPEG: netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/IMAGE.JPG (for single JPEG images) I have not figured out how to get a MJPEG stream from this cameral
-- JuanJosePablos - 09 Sep 2009
  • MJPEG: netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/VIDEO.CGI - requires firmware 1.30
  • firmware Version: 1.03
  • MJPEG:
    netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/video/mjpg.cgi?profieid=3    

by default webcan don't have password when authen for get stream must add this config

    netcam_userpass admin:    

motion can get stream from mjpg.cgi or mjpg.cgi?profileid=1 - profileid=4

profileid is come from webtool of this camera (Setup->Audio and Video) it have 4 profile

-- ChanchaiJunlouchai - 29 Jun 2010

firmware Version: 1.00.00

netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/video/mjpg.cgi?profieid=3
settings on the camera:
Aspect ratio 4:3
Mode Jpeg 1024x768
  • firmware Version: 2.11
  • MJPEG: netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/video/mjpg.cgi?profieid=x

Login to the camera's web interface and go to Setup > Audio and Video. Setup one of the three available profiles with the mode set to JPEG (I was not able to get H.264 to work with MotionEye). In the URL above, you will use the profile number that you setup for JPEG.

-- Greg Stephens - 19 May 2016

Can't get to work frown, sad smile

Single JPEG:

netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/cgi-bin/video.jpg

Not figured out how to get mjpeg or anything else. Also I see this in the logfile:

[1] [WRN] [NET] [Feb 05 03:35:34] netcam_init_jpeg: no new pic, no signal rcvd
[1] [NTC] [NET] [Feb 05 03:35:34] netcam_read_html_jpeg: disconnecting netcam since keep-alive not set.
[1] [NTC] [NET] [Feb 05 03:35:34] netcam_read_html_jpeg: leaving netcam connected.
[1] [NTC] [NET] [Feb 05 03:35:35] netcam_read_first_header: Non-streaming camera (keep-alive not set)
[1] [NTC] [NET] [Feb 05 03:35:35] netcam_read_first_header: Found Conn: close header ('Connection: close')


Worse yet, trying to use this with extpipe, all I see is:

[1] [NTC] [EVT] [Feb 05 03:43:38] event_new_video FPS 3
[1] [NTC] [EVT] [Feb 05 03:43:38] event_create_extpipe: pipe: mencoder -noskip -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo w=640:h=480:i420:fps=10 -ovc x264 -x264encopts keyint=15:threads=auto:crf=29:keyint=40:bframes=3:weightp=0:nombtree:no_chroma_me:partitions=none:me=dia:b_adapt=0:scenecut=0:nomixed_refs:8x8dct:trellis=0:nr=100:ref=1:subme=2 -of rawvideo -o "/opt/protected/NataliaDVR/01/2011/02/05/034338.h264" - >"/var/log/mencoder-IPCam1.log" 2>&1
[1] [NTC] [EVT] [Feb 05 03:43:38] event_create_extpipe: cnt->moviefps: 10
[1] [NTC] [EVT] [Feb 05 03:43:38] event_newfile: File of type 8 saved to: /opt/protected/NataliaDVR/01/2011/02/05/034338
[1] [NTC] [ALL] [Feb 05 03:43:38] motion_detected: Motion detected - starting event 1
[1] [NTC] [NET] [Feb 05 03:43:39] netcam_read_first_header: Non-streaming camera (keep-alive not set)
[1] [NTC] [NET] [Feb 05 03:43:39] netcam_read_first_header: Found Conn: close header ('Connection: close')
[1] [WRN] [NET] [Feb 05 03:43:39] netcam_init_jpeg: no new pic, no signal rcvd

And motion quits instantly, no errors, nothing in /var/log/mencoder-IPCam1.log either frown, sad smile

firmware Version: 1.02, 4125

netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/video/mjpg.cgi?profileid=3

The profileid value can be found on the camera's web page. At the bottom of the Live Video page you will see an icon with a number on it.

The quality is very good even in low light scenarios.

As with any network device, I highly recommend setting a password for the admin account and creating at least one user account for use with motion.

firmware Version: 2.01

netcam_url http://<user>:<password>@xx.xx.xx.xx/video2.mjpg

NOTE: The image is small.

firmware Version: 1.05

netcam_url http://<user>:<password>@xx.xx.xx.xx/video3.mjpg

NOTE: The image is small.
Topic revision: r15 - 19 May 2016, StephensSeattle
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