Feature Request: Time based motion settings
Would time based settings be possiable? In particular I have found that I get much better night time capturing with much more senstive settings and no despeckleing. However during the day I get better results if I put them back to default (or closer to),
BevanColeman - 20 Mar 2005
Transferred here
KennethLavrsen - 31 Mar 2005
Follow up
Motion can already do this. Motion will never have this feature built in itself. It would add to the CPU load and RAM consumption without giving a feature you cannot already do today. Motion has been made with a very powerful remote control feature. Linux has a wonderfully simple time scheduler called
. By combining these you can do much more than we could ever build into Motion itself. Only your fantasy is the limit. You can write a small script file which alters Motion settings using the remote control (xmlrpc for 3.1 and http for 3.2) and call this from
. To do what you want to make two scripts. Each changes the settins you want changed morning and evening. I added a new question and answer in
Frequently Asked Questions to help you and others getting started.
KennethLavrsen - 20 Mar 2005