Motion - Feature Request 2006x 03x 03x 133815
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>FeatureRequests>FeatureRequest2006x03x03x133815 (25 Jan 2016, FrancisDePaemeleere)Edit Attach

Feature Request: Add images / mask to the output


It would be nice to have a way to add images (e.g. a logo) at some position.

An extended feature of this kind would be a complete overlayed mask (with transparency layer?) e.g. to black out the bottom of the output where the text is printed or similar.

-- ThomasBaluWalter - 03 Mar 2006

Follow up



-- StephTheGeek - 01 Sep 2007

I would second this. But actually for a whole different reason. I would use it as a hide mask. Sometimes you want to hide a portion of the image, because of privacy reasons ( neighbors, public places, ..). So 1 implementation for 2 total different reasons. I think a similar approach of the motion mask implementation could work. So create a image of the same size of the output. But there should be a way to configure the "transparent color". Or the overlay image should be a "transparent" aware format.

-- FrancisDePaemeleere - 25 Jan 2016
Topic revision: r3 - 25 Jan 2016, FrancisDePaemeleere
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