Motion - Feature Request 2006x 04x 03x 223638

Feature Request: Capture more frames after larger motion or motion within a defined area


If you have somewhat unimportant stuff happening in a far away area but close up (like near a window) you want to capture more information then this may help. Or if people walking around always show a higher motion number but yet birds are smaller.

Two ways to do this (would like to have the option of doing both).

1. Example if motion is over 500 then capture 30 extra frames after motion stops. 2. Example if motion happens in the square area 400 X 490 X 200 X 300 then capture 30 extra frames after motion stops.

Not sure how to define the square area easily, I guess people could use the Gimp pointer to figure it out. The square would be less CPU used for detect.

Another option would be to increase or decrease the frame rate also.

-- TWikiGuest - 03 Apr 2006

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FeatureRequestForm edit

TopicTitle Capture more frames after larger motion or motion within a defined area
FeatureRequestStatus New
SubmittedBy TWikiGuest
Topic revision: r1 - 03 Apr 2006, TWikiGuest
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