Motion - Feature Request 2006x 06x 17x 154535

Feature Request: Generate an event or capture pictures when NO motion is detected.


I would like to see a inverse-motion detection feature.

When looking for for instance wireless security camera's with a radio or satellite-receiver, you normaly receive noise when signals are weak or nothing is broadcasted on the frequency. Motion then will, because of the noise, detect lots of motion. When a clear picture is received the amount of motion drops. That's when i want to start capturing pictures.

Maybe it would be possible to use negative values for the parameter "threshold" for this or implement a second threshold to get detection-ranges like:

Range 1: Not enough motion

********************** Level 1 (or Normal threshold)

Range 2: Motion Detected

********************** Level 2 (or Negative threshold)

Range 3: Too much motion.

This way you can go from the state "Not enough motion" to "Motion Detected" (normal behaviour) or from the state "Too much motion" to "Motion Detected" (inverse behaviour).

If needed i can generate and an example-movie to aid in the development wink


-- MilanVanDeSwaluw - 17 Jun 2006

Follow up


This is more or less what lightswitch does.

If the number of pixels changed is above a certain level in percent no detection is done.

-- KennethLavrsen - 17 Jun 2006


You seem to be right on this... It looks like it works.

Thank you very much for the hint.


-- MilanVanDeSwaluw - 21 Jun 2006


Thanks for the feedback.

-- KennethLavrsen - 23 Jun 2006

FeatureRequestForm edit

TopicTitle Generate an event or capture pictures when NO motion is detected.
FeatureRequestStatus Rejected
SubmittedBy MilanVanDeSwaluw
Topic revision: r4 - 23 Jun 2006, KennethLavrsen
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