Feature Request: EDICAM IC-1500
need support for EDICAM IC-1500
will place a raw file
JoergStickdorn - 20 Mar 2007
IP-Cam name is EDIMAX IC-1500
JoergStickdorn - 20 Mar 2007
Follow up
That camare seems that uses Mjpeg Motion , that is not supported by motion, but will be supported ... could you provide a link to test it ?
AngelCarpintero - 01 Apr 2007
I've no Link but I got this feedback from support:
Dear customer:
There are three ways to get images from IC1500:
1. Using IE browser to open IC1500 web page. (need activeX supported)
2. Type
to get a single image. (IE and Firefox)
For example:
3. Type
http://camera-ip:webport/snapshot.cgi to get a JPEG stream. (Only supported by Firefox)
For example: or
(Maybe also need press F5 to refresh web page to make it work.)
Username and password is required when you get video stream.
Thank you for using Edimax product.
the cgi stream works with motion but is not stable... after some hours the connection breaks... you have a lot of motion recordings from unstable frames...
JoergStickdorn - 17 Apr 2007
Could you do a better description of "is not stable" ?
Did you look at motion logs to see if the problem was a connection lost or a problem with some bad pictures ?
Maybe the problem comes from a poor cgi implementation from Edimax ... just a guess
AngelCarpintero - 23 Apr 2007