Motion - Feature Request 2008x 06x 14x 215505

Feature Request: HTTP interface: add switch for per-url RAW/HTML switch


RAW/HTML is currently implemented via a config-file option. This should (could) be supported per request- for instance, like this:

In other words, this is the control_html_output configfile option supported via CGI.

-- TedTimmons - 14 Jun 2008

Follow up

You can do it already :

motion 3.2.9 / 3.2.10.x

motion trunk

... or did you mean anything else ?

-- AngelCarpintero - 15 Jun 2008


Let me try to clarify what I mean. I am talking about changing it for one HTTP request, not changing the config via the HTTP interface for all future requests.

Does that make more sense?

-- TedTimmons - 15 Jun 2008

Ok i got your point , so you want i.ex to have control_html_ouput=on ( HTML ) but allow for a request get raw ... hmmm

I see a little problem , doing this introduces an extra work to parse request and not much profit on my opinion, look :

I don't really see a reason to have a double output mode on the fly , it's easy to set a mode and build a frontend using that mode.

Maybe i'm wrong , so please explain me what kind of magic thing are you trying to do , so this option is really wanted wink

Of course you can still doing with the current code doing 3 request ( change , request , restore ).

-- AngelCarpintero - 15 Jun 2008

You are right, the idea is to have a default and be able to change it on the fly. The reason is that I can build the frontend with "html" mode turned on for clarity, and so I don't have to worry about what the backend setting is. Sort of like looking at a blog in HTML versus getting an RSS (xml) feed. The "extra work" should be minimal- especially compared to reading the config file for the current state, right?

(and yes, it can be done with 3 requests, or 2 if I don't care to revert it to another setting)

-- TedTimmons - 16 Jun 2008

Ok , as is needed to rewrite the config to add range , web control will need also . I will add this option .

-- AngelCarpintero - 16 Jun 2008
Topic revision: r6 - 16 Jun 2008, AngelCarpintero
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