Motion - Feature Request 2011x 06x 21x 114336

Feature Request: additional HTTP logging


Hi, when I started using motion's built-in web server for streaming (via the excellent nph-mjprox CGI program from MJPEG-ProxyGrab), I had the desire to add a small amount of HTTP logging to motion's log messages.

I realize that the CGI nph-mjprox will make all connects appear as coming from localhost, but perhaps it's even more useful for those who connect directly to motion's HTTP server.

I have a working patch for 3.2.11 which also works for 3.2.12. The result looks like this:
2011-06-21T09:33:34.340667+02:00 myhost motion: [1] Bound to port 8091 for HTTP (loopback interface only)
2011-06-21T09:33:34.340717+02:00 myhost motion: [1] Listening on port 8091
2011-06-21T09:33:34.340771+02:00 myhost motion: [1] Resizing pre_capture buffer to 3 items
2011-06-21T14:11:25.378549+02:00 myhost motion: [1] Accepted HTTP connection from

What doesn't work:
  • I couldn't figure out which code gets called when the streaming client (i.e. the receiving web browser or program) interrupts the stream, so there is no log message for a closed stream;
  • my inet_ntoa() usage probably doesn't apply to IPv6 (as implemented on motion trunk);
  • motion trunk has added some logging facilities to this code (stream.c), and has changed its logging mechanics, so I probably haven't successfully adapted to that code. I would like to see this as a feature. Two patches are attached.

-- MoritzBarsnick - 21 Jun 2011

Follow up


this is what I've been thinking that is useful for my recent needs. it also would be very helpful to get a detailed log that can be switched on and off logging which kind of operation along with the parameters has been performed from the web browser.

-- ZhuoLiu - 21 May 2013
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
motion-3.2.12-loghttpd.01.patchpatch motion-3.2.12-loghttpd.01.patch manage 1 K 21 Jun 2011 - 12:24 UnknownUser patch against motion-3.3.12 to provide enhanced HTTP logging
motion-trunk-r528-loghttpd.01.patchpatch motion-trunk-r528-loghttpd.01.patch manage 635 bytes 21 Jun 2011 - 12:25 UnknownUser experimental patch against motion SVN trunk (r528) to provide enhanced HTTP logging (at least partly)
Topic revision: r3 - 21 May 2013, ZhuoLiu
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