Motion - Feature Request 2012x 03x 15x 035938

Feature Request: Motion to trigger actions


Hi, I would like to command my pc over the webcam, so that it can play a message over festival (text to speech) : - "hello" when I show "X" in front of webcam ( echo hello | festival --tts) - "bye" when I show "Y" in front of webcam ( echo bye | festival --tts)

X and Y are actions, whatever, even placing a sheet with a big letter on it

Is it possible? Can motion do such things ? Can motion see the differences between images, or shall I snapshot the webcam regularly with fswebcam and try to compute the png differences (no labview) frown, sad smile ?

Any helps are greatly welcome ! Debian forever wink

-- Motion : [url][/url]

-- Ubuntu84937Ubuntu84937 - 15 Mar 2012

Follow up


I don't think motion has facilities for special image recognition, but I think you could use the "on_motion_detected" or "on_picture_save" or similar option to pass images to an external program that checks for whatever pattern in the image you're looking for.

-- EpiCanis - 09 Aug 2012
Topic revision: r2 - 09 Aug 2012, EpiCanis
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