Motion - Feature Request 2013x 01x 27x 111230

Feature Request: Send email after output_normal best


Hi there! First of all I would like to express my gratitude for this excelent piece of software! It is really a life saver. I am using it for baby monitoring. I have a feature request (perhaps it is already possible, but could not find a way to do it. If it can be done with present versions - i am using 3.2.12 with ubuntu 12.04LTS - please point me to the right direction) I have currently set motion take a snapshot at every minute. It is also set output_normal best, so that motion creates an avi file when motion is detected and after finishing, to create an image with the best detected motion. What I would like to do is send an email with that specific image as an attachment. I tried using on_picture_save, but it sends the snapshots that are created every minute and not the "best" image I tried using on_movie_end, but - naturally - it sends the video file which is sometimes too large to be sent via email. So essentially, what I need is an option, after the video is created and then the "best" image is generated, to send that "best" image. I would appreciate an answer, even if it is a plain "No won't do it" Thanks in advance and once again thank you for creating motion!!!! Regards, Chris

-- ChriZathens - 27 Jan 2013

Follow up


Just to add to my previous post: I tried to workaround this, by passing as attachment the name of the jpeg which is being created, using its full path. It worked, but ... it didn't. What I mean: I can instruct motion conf to create a simple name for that jpeg, eq: %H%M-best.jpg Then append that name as the attachment filename. BUT if the motion is too much and a big video is created, the best image is generated perhaps on or two minutes after, so the name might be wrong and won't be send...

-- ChriZathens - 28 Jan 2013
Topic revision: r2 - 28 Jan 2013, ChriZathens
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