Motion - Feature Request 2013x 05x 20x 010436

Feature Request: Fill disk up to given threshold, then automatically cleanup to stay below threshold


I'm using motion as a security camera. I plugged a hard drive, then forgot about it until the disk filled-up.

I wrote a (too) simple script that prunes old videos until the available disk space reaches 95%, and also has a minimun number of days parameter, so I'm garanteed to have 60 days (the default) of event images.

It's right here:

This could be a nice feature to add to Motion.

-- NicolasMarchildon - 20 May 2013

Follow up


I'm also interested in something like this. NicolasMarchildon, how do you implement the script you wrote? Is it running on a cron job? Or do you execute it when a motion even ends?

Really useful.

-- EricRead - 10 Jun 2013

FeatureRequestForm edit

TopicTitle Fill disk up to given threshold, then automatically cleanup to stay below threshold
FeatureRequestStatus New
SubmittedBy NicolasMarchildon
Topic revision: r2 - 10 Jun 2013, EricRead
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