Feature Request: Disable auto focus on UVC webcams
I'd like to have an option to disable auto-focus on webcams. In my case, I'm using a Microsoft Lifecam Cinema.
I read that it's a UVC feature, but I have no idea how easy it would be to incorporate. If there's an existing way to do this, please point me in the right direction.
Thanks for all your work.
EricRead - 10 Jun 2013
Follow up
You can do it with v4l2-ctl (usually in vl4 utils), first use the -l option to list your cammera options, if some option related to auto-focus is listed you can use it with the -c option, for example:
v4l2-ctl -c auto_focus=0
you can do this in a script that run on system startup, I´m doing the same but for auto_exposure option in a Logitech webcam.
LuisBackup - 30 Apr 2014