Motion - Feature Request 2015x 03x 03x 212850

Feature Request: Use lower resolution or skip frames for motion detection


I hope i didn't overlooked some related suggestion.

It would be great, for performance issues, to set a resolution for the motion detection. E.g.: Resolution for stream and video (recorded after motion was detected): 1280x720 Resolution for motion detection: 320x240 or lower. Correct me if i am wrong, but i think image downsampling is not very costly (in terms of performance).

Another idea: Only use every x image for motion detection. E.g.: Framerate for stream is 10, and every 10th image is used for motion analysis.

I am using motion on a raspberry pi and if motion is detected, i got a video with <1fps (@1280x720). 320x 240 works fine with 10 fps.

What do you think?

-- HansMLler - 03 Mar 2015

Follow up


FeatureRequestForm edit

TopicTitle Use lower resolution or skip frames for motion detection
FeatureRequestStatus New
SubmittedBy WikiGuest
Topic revision: r1 - 03 Mar 2015, HansMLler
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