Motion - Feature Request 2015x 08x 23x 001605

Feature Request: give changed pixels, printf style width for mystrftime, power line frequency, ffmpeg_duplicate_frames option


alg_labeling give diffs feedback even when not over the threshold

This is especially useful when picking a threshold to see how close to the threshold it was. The previous code would only give a number if it was over the threshold.

accept a width specifier to mystrftime

Allow the user to specify field widths to keep the strings from jumping around as the width changes. This makes the values easier to read.

add power_line_frequency configuration item

The USB webcam I have defaults to the wrong setting causing visible flickering degrading the image quality. This allows setting the value to any of the currently available options or -1 to by default not modify the value.

add ffmpeg_duplicate_frames option

This lets the user decide which video problems they would rather see. In my case a Raspberry Pi 2 with a 640x480 webcam sometimes can keep up with 10fps so I don't want to set the framerate any lower, but then sometimes it can't and with duplicate frames it looks like the video output freezes every second.

-- DavidFries - 23 Aug 2015

Follow up


FeatureRequestForm edit

TopicTitle give changed pixels, printf style width for mystrftime, power line frequency, ffmpeg_duplicate_frames option
FeatureRequestStatus New
SubmittedBy DavidFries
Topic revision: r1 - 23 Aug 2015, DavidFries
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