Motion - Feature Request 2016x 07x 15x 000534

Feature Request: Higher level of motion detection to avoid false motion detection


I have problems with changing light conditions that I haven't been able to solve using the current setting options including use of masks and experimenting with lightswitch. Either too sensitive or too unsensitive. I've solved this using external scripts but a new feature could solve this for many users. This is what I did after completed decent settings with occasional but annoying false motion detections:

Each time a new image is saved from a detected motion, I only regard this as a higher level motion if at least 10 (or whatever) such images have been produced during the last minute, including all cams in the building. Using a value of 10 or higher, it is very unlikely to get false motions and an intruder will in short time trigger 20 or more such images during 1 minute from only one camera, much more likely when using more cameras. After 5 minutes I reset the trigger, thus only triggering this at most one time each 5 minutes. I send a push notification and an SMS each time.

The values 10, 1 minute and 5 minutes should be configurable, also set per camera or on top level. When this is trigged using a dedicated event, an external program can be called.

-- HansPalm - 15 Jul 2016

Follow up


This really works well, I'm able to filter out all nuisance warnings while stile keeping the sensitivity of the individual detection for each camera. I also send the number of saved images during the last minute in my push and SMS message so I can also use this number to judge if this is a false alert. Current logic is that I first send a high level alert and during the 5 minutes of activation I also send messages of the individual detections at each on_movie_start, including the total number of saved images during the 5 minutes. It's then very easy to see if this is a false alert and if not, I can continuously follow what's going on for the different cameras.

-- HansPalm - 15 Jul 2016

FeatureRequestForm edit

TopicTitle Higher level of motion detection to avoid false motion detection
FeatureRequestStatus New
SubmittedBy HansPalm
Topic revision: r2 - 15 Jul 2016, HansPalm
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