Motion - Free Node IRC
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IRC on Freenode

Some of the hardcore Motion users and developers are often available on IRC (Internet Relay Chat).

You are welcome to pass by for a short question or a friendly chat with the rest of us. Newbies are welcome and there is no such thing as a silly question. The motion community has a tradition for a friendly tone both on mailing list and chat. No-one should be afraid of joining in and ask for a helping hand. Or give a helping hand to others. If you join and no-one answers it is because we often let our machines stay connected even though we may not even be home. We may actually answer hours later. Just stay around or ask your question and check the channel log (see below).

The Motion channel is called #motion and it can be found on the Freenode network port 6667. (irc://

We have chosen Freenode because it is an IRC network that exists to provide an interactive environment for coordination and support of peer-directed projects, including those relating to free software and open source. More information about Freenode on

  • Kenneth Lavrsen has the nick "Lavr"
  • Angel Carpintero has the nick "sack"
  • Marco Carvalho has the nick "MACS"
  • Per Jönsson has the nick "_Void"
  • Jörg Weber has the nick "joergw"
  • Steven Moix has the nick "moixs"
There is normally a bot called [LOGGER] that logs what is beeing said. You can read the logs on this URL:

If there is a LINK to change the password for the logs DON'T use it ! Don't be a punk smile

Todays logs is here:

-- KennethLavrsen - 26 Sep 2004

-- JeffGroves - 01 Feb 2007
Topic revision: r11 - 05 Aug 2009, AngelCarpintero
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