Motion - Gadspot NC 800 Relay
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>GadspotNC800Relay (22 Dec 2008, AngelCarpintero)Edit Attach



The network camera Gadspot NC800 has a weird firmware that don't allow motion to work properly with its mjpg stream. To allow motion to work with this camera is needed a tool to fix the stream , relay-nc800 does.

Detailed Description

Gadspot NC8000 <--------- relay-nc800 <----------- motion

Here is a diagram that explains how relay-nc800 works with motion.

(1) relay-nc800 connects to network camera to get the broken mjpg stream.

(2) Fix the stream adding the correct headers.

(3) motion connect to a good mjpg stream.

Attached Files

The relay tarball relay-nc800.tar.gz.


Download the relay

Decompress and compile

 tar xfvz relay-nc800.tar.gz make 

then just run the relay

 ./relay-nc800 -url= -port=15000 

Users Guide

 relay-nc800 [0.6]

Usage: ./relay-nc800 -url= -port=15000 [-auth=user:pass] [-debug]

-url : Url of mjpg stream -port : port to bind relay-nc800 -auth : user and pass if needed -debug : verbose logs

Run relay-nc800 pointing to your camera and then run motion adding in motion.conf the right value for netcam_url parameter.

I.ex :

 ./relay-nc800 -url= -port=12000 

so netcam_url is


Comments and Bug Reports

Tested with FW NC800-GS-L100-3.1f, stream wery fast and good quality the instalation are NC800 - Relay (Via Epia ML8000) - motion (Dual Xeon 2.8Ghz) Thanks Angel Carpintero for excelent relay smile Javi Pardo "Dakota"

-- JaviPardo - 09 Jan 2006

I use this relay with a aviosys 9060-I but I had to make these chances:

const char *get = "GET /cgi-bin/Stream?Video Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU2Nzg=?webcamPWD=\r\n\r\n";

// "POST /AVIOSYS\r\n" // "Content-Length: 32\r\n" // "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU2Nzg=\r\n\r\n" // "IMG_S_M=03200240&server=+Submit+\r\n";

// changed >= to <= if (retread <= 0) { printf("[%d] read_stream ,%s [%d]\n",retry,strerror(errno),errno);

I guess the recv call is a bug, which should also be fixed in the original version ... right ?

-- JudasHui - 19 Dec 2008

Judas , thanks for that fix already included in 0.7

This application is just a hack to allow Gadspot so was not expected to be used with others ... but i think could be easy to allow set method GET or POST .

-- AngelCarpintero - 22 Dec 2008

RelatedProjectsForm edit

ProjectSummary A multipart/mixed stream application that allow motion work with Gadspot nc800 camera.
ProjectStatus Stable
ReleaseVersion 0.7
ProjectSubmitter AngelCarpintero
Topic revision: r4 - 22 Dec 2008, AngelCarpintero
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