Motion - Ked Motion Tools
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KED's Motion Tools


A few tools made for my own motion usage but maybe other can make use of it or get some inspiration.

I'll start with three tools

Camview - a webpage with buttons for stop/start motion detection.
scam - "Set Camera" - a commandline php script for stop, start, status of motiondetection of one or all cams.
stlt - "Set Time Lapse Time" - a commandline php script for setting Timelapse interval for all cams.

Detailed Description

Most important is that the tools requires that cameras are defined in thread files, even when only having a single camera.
If a single camera is defined in motion.conf it will get thread no.0 and my tools expect camera 1 to be in thred 1 and so on.

A few lines need checking/correction of username, password, motionserver and Motion Control Port.

Camview require a webserver with CGI, PHP, cambozola and a working mj-prox from Kenneth's A browser with Java, JavaScript and frames enabled is required to run the page.

Attached Files Unzip files to a directory on your webserver, copy cambozola.jar to this directory, read the README and correct the files as described.

scam: check the top lines, make file executable and place in ex. /usr/local/bin

stlt: check the top lines, make file executable and place in ex. /usr/local/bin

To download scam and stlt, rightclick and select "save taget as".


See abowe

Users Guide

  • Camview Screenshot:

Camview - point your browser to index.php in the path on webserver where you unpacked the files.
Press a 'Cam' button to load cambozola and view that thread thrugh mj-prox.
Press one of the radio buttons to change viewsize of cambozola.
Press 'Stop' to stop cambozola viewer.
Press a green 'Off' button to pause motion detection.
Press a red 'On' button to resume motion detection.

scam < enter > - print out the usage options: Usage: scam < STATUS|PAUSE|START > < 1-x(CamNo)|ALL >
scam start 2 < enter > - resume motion detection of cam2
scam pause all < enter > - pause motion detection of all cams
scam status 1 < enter > - print status of motion detection from thread 1

stlt < enter > - print out the usage options: Usage: stlt < query | set Timelapse interval in Sec. 0-3600 >
stlt 1200 < enter > - set timelapse interval for all threads to 1200 sec. (20 Min.)
stlt query < enter > - print curent timelapse interval, actualy any character not a number do this eg. stlt ?


camview is testet in IE6 and Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7, running on apacheserver in FC3, FC4 and FC5.
scam is testet on full updated FC3, FC4 and FC5.
stlt is testet on full updated FC3, FC4 and FC5.

Let me now if it dont work for you, it could be the "file_get_contents" that need to be replaced with "wget" but i think it should work on all updated systems as is.

Comments and Bug Reports

RelatedProjectsForm edit

ProjectSummary Some tools i have made for own use, maybe someone else can make use of them.
ProjectStatus Beta
ProjectSubmitter TheOtherBug
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
camview.zipzip manage 3 K 01 May 2006 - 10:53 UnknownUser Camview - 4 php scripts in zipfile
scamEXT scam manage 1 K 01 May 2006 - 10:55 UnknownUser scam - Set Camera detection
stltEXT stlt manage 664 bytes 01 May 2006 - 11:13 UnknownUser stlt - Set Timelapse Time
Topic revision: r3 - 01 May 2006, TheOtherBug
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