Motion - Pinnacle
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Pinnacle DC10+ (Zoran chip)

It's a Zoran ZR36067-rev2 chip based analog capture card, running with a bundled 2.6 series v4l kernel driver, can capture up to 768x576 at 25 full frames per second in PAL/SECAM and up to 640x480 at 30 full frames per second in NTSC.

On start with Motion i get this error:Failed with YUV420P, trying YUV422 palette but works fine.

Actually, for tests with Motion, I'm using a JVC Compact VHS GR-AX720 hand cam.

-- MarcoCarvalho - 06 Oct 2004

I've been trying since version 2.6.19 of the kernel, but without modifications, massive instability sets in after an hour or two of capturing at 768x576 with the bundled driver.

The solution I've found is to apply the bigphysarea patch to the kernel and the driver.

You can get the bigphysarea patch from Joachim Joe Feise's site;

I've patched the Zoran driver from 2.6.24 to use bigphysarea, you can download it from here;

Full details of the problem are in this Ubuntu bug report;

-- NickPeskett - 23 Jun 2008

Weird card, have the DC10 (Old version, zr36067 card=0).

Works in xawtv, settings there indicate that it is using NTSC.

Only runs in motion (no memory allocation) as:

norm=2 (PAL)

But of course I don't use PAL so my screen is "offset" and gray. Any other options do not work, and there is no bigphysarea patch for kernel 2.6.31-14

-- MatthewRoss - 05 Jan 2010
Topic revision: r3 - 08 Feb 2010, JuanJosePablos
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