Motion - Proximity Detection
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>ProximityDetection (23 Jun 2013, DavidJeffery)Edit Attach

(Start or Pause detection based on if your cell phone is on the local network or not.)


This simple script checks if an IP is on the network. if IP is on network pause detection else start detection.

Detailed Description

This script is run from crontab, I use one minute intervals. You may choose a larger interval but that will probably cause you to trip the alarm.

Attached Files This is the script, make sure it is executable.

phone_check.cron this is an example of what you should have in your crontab. use crontab -e to edit your crontab


Identify the IP address of your smart phone. I suggest that you use a permanent IP for your phone.


change PHONEIP to the ip of your phone

change MOTIONIP to the ip of your motion server

make sure is executable.

edit crontab, point to location of

Users Guide

This script runs in the background via crontab. After installation no user interference is required.

simply turn your phones wifi on or off to test.

Comments and Bug Reports

RelatedProjectsForm edit

ProjectSummary This is a simple script which checks for your phones ip on the local network (wifi) if your ip is reachable the motion detection on all cameras is paused else motion detetion is started.
ProjectStatus Alpha
ProjectSubmitter DavidJeffery
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
phone_check.crontabcrontab phone_check.crontab manage 129 bytes 23 Jun 2013 - 03:43 UnknownUser Sample crontab entry to run script every minute
phone_check.shsh manage 2 K 23 Jun 2013 - 03:40 UnknownUser This is the script. edit and ad to crontab
Topic revision: r1 - 23 Jun 2013, DavidJeffery
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