Motion - Support Question 2005x 02x 02x 184321

Followup to: How to easily automatically access the last n motion detected jpeg files?


This is a follow up question to SupportQuestion2005x01x28x222114

Thanks for your quick answer. Unfortunately this does not work for me.

Computer: A 120MHZ cpu, 2.4 Gb hard drive, 90Mb ram dedicated to running motion. Software: thttpd serving multiple motion images (apache and php are much too resource consuming for this small system) Needed: Just as lastsnap.jpg is a consistant name for the last snapshot image, I need to have lastmotionn.jpg (n<5) so that the a very simple html page (no room on my 150MHz system for apache + php) can call lastmostion1.jpg, lastmotion2.jpg, etc. to access the last motion detected. Thanks very much for any help you can render.


Motion version: 3.1.17
ffmpeg version: not used
Libraries: curl, xmlrpc
Server OS: Fedora Core 3: 2.6.10-1.737_FC3

-- TWikiGuest - 02 Feb 2005


You have some possibilities. I assume that you have perl on your computer. The perl script that I showed does the sorting and deleting of the files. You can either modify it so that it actually write an HTML file instead. It should not be hard to modify it for that.

Otherwise your thttp server can run a perl program as cgi script which can pick do a quick sort of the 5 jpeg files that are in the directory of the webserver. We are talking about less than 10 code lines which I am sure you can write relatively easily. If not you have an oppertunity to learn some very basic perl smile That is all I can as well. It is a very powerful language and easy to learn at a basic level.

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-- KennethLavrsen - 02 Feb 2005

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TopicTitle Followup to: How to easily automatically access the last n motion detected jpeg files?
SupportStatus AnsweredQuestions
AssignedQuestionTo KennethLavrsen
SubmittedBy TWikiGuest
Topic revision: r2 - 02 Feb 2005, KennethLavrsen
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