Motion - Support Question 2005x 04x 24x 145153

BIG problem with sources package&output image format


Buon giorno big grin

in the first place, sorry for my bad english : I have this problem..

After compile this versions of motion (i try on 4 different computer with debian os and with 3 different webcam ....0v511 and pwc/pwcx driver):

motion-2.3.tar.gz *(I am using this version)




(i use this versions because i use a mini_ssc for tracking control)

the "output captured images" are reported in a strange format... see the attached (plz smile )

next to the beginning I thought was a problem of the format pal or ntsc, but it was not that one

the mini_ssc servo can't track motion regulary with this out frown, sad smile

Help me plz

following in attach.: video.c motion.c motion.conf (that i have modified on motion 2.3) and the image frown, sad smile

currently use webcam with driver 0v511 that it works perfectly with xawtv, camstream and all a software for the capture video.

I have tried with the new version of motion for debian (deb) and works perfectly, for misfortune the lib mini_ssc are not implemented frown, sad smile ....

thanks in advance for any help big grin

-- Bruno Aliprandi


Motion version: 2.3
ffmpeg version: 2:200500417-0.0
Libraries: curl, xmlrpc, ffmpeg
Server OS: Debian

-- BrunoAliprandi - 24 Apr 2005


The versions of Motion you are trying to get to work are from before I personally got involved with Motion. I personally spend all my free time on Motion and I have a queue of things I want to either fix or create on the current 3.2.X versions.

If someone else want to soend time - feel free to answer on this topic.

It seems you can get Motion 3.2.1_snapX to work with your camera. And that your problem is related to the fact that the mini-ssc is not supported as it was in the early days of Motion.

I may have good news for you. I am working on defining a new generic interface for Tracking. I am not very far with the actual coding but I have a framework on paper of how I want to do it.

Basically I am working on a generic output where Motion - each time motion is detected - will output a seried of information including the coordinates and size of the detected motion area.

The idea is that it should then be relatively simple to write a small program that translates this into moving a camera. Thera are so many PTZ cameras and other moving cameras - each with their capabilities and specs and it will be impossible for Motion to have a native support for them all.

Once implemented people will be able to upload their small camera control scripts or programs for others to share and use.

I also have a couple of servo controlled cameras which are currently not supported by Motion so I will for sure share whatever I do.

The new generic tracking patch has a patch topic: GenericTrackingPatch. Follow the progress here.

-- KennethLavrsen - 24 Apr 2005
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
15-01.jpgjpg 15-01.jpg manage 6 K 24 Apr 2005 - 15:13 UnknownUser this is the out motion.c manage 22 K 24 Apr 2005 - 15:14 UnknownUser  
motion.confconf motion.conf manage 4 K 24 Apr 2005 - 15:15 UnknownUser video.c manage 10 K 24 Apr 2005 - 15:14 UnknownUser  
Topic revision: r2 - 24 Apr 2005, KennethLavrsen
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