Motion - Support Question 2005x 08x 05x 094340

Creating mpeg right away



I've got my camera set up (using ov51x driver) and I'm able to get motion to work, saving images, detecting motion and creating an mpeg. To do that I run motion -B -f 4 -t /home/user/video

However, I want to create movies right away with no need for jpegs to be saved which I understand should be possible with ffmpeg. I have ffmepg isntalled but have no idea how to set it up.

If I try running and adding the -N switch motion is found among running processes, but (from what I have been able to conclude) it shuts down on its own as soon as it detects motion and is no longer running. So, how do I set it up to run with ffmpeg?



Motion version: 3.2.1
ffmpeg version: 0.4.9-pre1
Libraries: ffmpeg, ucbmpeg (mpeg_encode)
Server OS: Ubuntu Hoary kernel 2.6.10-5-386

-- TWikiGuest - 05 Aug 2005


You are not running 3.2.1 if you are able to use command line options because they are all gone now.

Please tell us more what you have installed incl. versions and package names for ffmpeg.



You were right Kenneth, I was using an older version which I got from apt-get. I downloaded and compiled the 3.2.1 version and got it set up and running. Had to download the -dev packages for several things to get jpeg and ffdshow compiled. But now it's running and working as it should. I still don't know how to set it up to record to an .avi file directly though.



That is a simple matter of reading the MotionGuide. It is all there.

-- KennethLavrsen - 09 Aug 2005


I appologize for not seeing that. I had tried it with the old version I was using and for some reason had dismissed that option. I though ffmpeg needed the jpgs to be created to make it work. For anyone reading, set output_normal to off and make sure ffmpeg_cap_new is set to on. That's all that is needed.

Thanks Kenneth
Topic revision: r5 - 09 Aug 2005, TWikiGuest
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