Motion - Support Question 2006x 02x 13x 145236

How to disable temporarily the snapshots on some but not all cameras


I have six network cameras with the global config option set: snapshot_interval 60

I currently control which ones are doing motion detection using the web interface like: wget${x}/detection/pause -O -

How can I do a similiar thing, on a per-camera-basis, to turn off/on the snapshot feature.

Something like this: wget -O -

and then later to turn it back on for cam 4, something like this: wget -O -

Is this a new feature request, or is there a way to already do this ???

Thanks. g.s.

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Motion version: 3.2.4 snap 5
ffmpeg version: not used
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: Fedora Core 4 , kernel 2.6.15-1.1831_FC4

-- GregSwift - 13 Feb 2006


Yes there's already a way to do it just setting snapshot_interval to 0.

This should do the trick:

wget ''

-- AngelCarpintero - 14 Feb 2006
Topic revision: r2 - 14 Feb 2006, AngelCarpintero
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