Motion - Support Question 2006x 12x 22x 171343

motion stops logging to mysql after a while


I have installed motion from SVN today( 3.2.8 ). motion.conf is configured to log events to mysql. The problem is that after a few hours motion is still running and saving images and movies as it should, but it stops writing to the db ( mysql is still running ). If i stop and run motion again it works for a few hours then it stops writing to mysql again.

I'm running Debian with kernel 2.6.17 recompiled by me.

Attatched see my motion.conf

# Minimal motion example config file provided by the
# Debian motion package - for basic webcam operation.
# You most certainly want to investigate
# /usr/share/doc/motion/examples/motion-dist.conf.gz
# for further configuration options. Also, refer to the
# motion man page and /usr/share/doc/motion/motion_guide.html
# for detailed information on configuration options.

daemon on
quiet on

# You may very well need to change this (check with 'dmesg'
# after plugging in your webcam).
# videodevice /dev/video0

# Image size in pixels (valid range is camera dependent).
#width 320
#height 240

#low_cpu 20
pre_capture 2
post_capture 20
framerate 25
quality 85
auto_brightness off

# General threshold level and noise threshold
# level (for distinguishing between noise and motion).
threshold 4500
noise_level 64

# Initial brightness, contrast, hue (NTSC), and saturation.
# 0 = disabled (valid range 0-255).
brightness 0
contrast 0
saturation 0
hue 0

output_normal first

#on_event_start /usr/local/etc/alarm/

# Encode movies in real-time (install ffmpeg before enabling).
ffmpeg_cap_new on

# Codec to be used by ffmpeg for the video compression.
# Supported formats: mpeg4, msmpeg4.
ffmpeg_video_codec msmpeg4

# Target base directory for pictures and films (you may need
# to change this (or change its permissions) depending on
# which system user runs motion).
target_dir /var/lib/motion/snapshots

# Define a port number (e.g. 8000) to enable the mini-http server.
# 0 = disabled.
webcam_port 8000

# Set to 'off' to allow anybody (not just localhost) to view the
# webcam via the mini-http server (http://hostname:port).
webcam_localhost on

webcam_quality 50
webcam_maxrate 8

#movie filename %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S

# Common Options For MySQL and PostgreSQL database features.
# Options require the MySQL/PostgreSQL options to be active also.

# Log to the database when creating motion triggered image file  (default: on)
sql_log_image on

# Log to the database when creating a snapshot image file (default: on)
sql_log_snapshot on

# Log to the database when creating motion triggered mpeg file (default: off)
sql_log_mpeg on

# Log to the database when creating timelapse mpeg file (default: off)
sql_log_timelapse on

# SQL query string that is sent to the database
# Use same conversion specifiers has for text features
# Additional special conversion specifiers are
# %n = the number representing the file_type
# %f = filename with full path
# Default value:
# insert into security(camera, filename, frame, file_type, time_stamp, text_event) values('%t', '%f', '%q', '%n', '%Y-%m-%d %T', '%C')

sql_query insert into security(camera, filename, frame, file_type, time_stamp, event_time_stamp) values('%t', '%f', '%q', '%n', '%Y-%m-%d %T', '%C')

mysql_db motion
mysql_host localhost
mysql_user motion
mysql_password motion

thread /usr/local/etc/thread1.conf
thread /usr/local/etc/thread2.conf


mysql> select * from security;
| camera | filename                                           | frame | file_type | time_stamp          | text_event | event_time_stamp | id |
| 1      | /var/lib/motion/snapshots/02-20061222174953.avi    | 05    | 8         | 2006-12-22 17:49:53 | NULL       | 20061222174953   | 81 |
| 1      | /var/lib/motion/snapshots/02-20061222174953-05.jpg | 05    | 1         | 2006-12-22 17:49:53 | NULL       | 20061222174953   | 82 |
| 2      | /var/lib/motion/snapshots/01-20061222180711.avi    | 00    | 8         | 2006-12-22 18:07:11 | NULL       | 20061222180711   | 83 |
| 2      | /var/lib/motion/snapshots/01-20061222180711-00.jpg | 00    | 1         | 2006-12-22 18:07:11 | NULL       | 20061222180711   | 84 |
| 1      | /var/lib/motion/snapshots/01-20061222182208.avi    | 12    | 8         | 2006-12-22 18:22:08 | NULL       | 20061222182208   | 85 |
| 1      | /var/lib/motion/snapshots/01-20061222182208-12.jpg | 12    | 1         | 2006-12-22 18:22:08 | NULL       | 20061222182208   | 86 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


Motion version: 3.2.8
ffmpeg version:  
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: Linux

-- TommasoCalosi - 22 Dec 2006

Follow Up

I tried to reproduce your problem , but i cannot .

I've been running motion more that 2 days without any problem , i used the same motion.conf that you use in debian sarge with kernel 2.6.19.

Please give some more detailed information ( motion logs , mysql logs ).

-- AngelCarpintero - 25 Dec 2006


The problem could be the same that happens in this bug report :

Please update to svn version and try to reproduce your problem, reopen the support question or file a new bug report.

-- AngelCarpintero - 09 Jan 2007
Topic revision: r3 - 09 Jan 2007, AngelCarpintero
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