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Need support for USB capture device (please reccomend tested devices)


I have a project where I must use a USB video capture device. I will need only Composite Video (phono plug) type input. I will not need a TV tuner. I have built a system with Motion under Ubuntu Fiesty and Hardy, using Motion 3.2.9. Using a Creative Webcam on USB everything works. I have tried the Hauppauge USB Live (device ID=0573:2d01) and it does not function properly.

My main goal is to find a USB capture device that will work with Motion. Can someone reccomend a unit ? I am in the USA. I feel that purchasing a device that is known to work will be easier than trying to get my device working unless it is something simple. I can add details like my config file and Dmesg if you like.

I plan on creating a commercial product at some point with some custom software that I will develop. I need a device that has a proven track record.

Any advice here will be greatly appreciated.


Motion version: 3.2.9
ffmpeg version: Latest to date (04/16/08)
Libraries: ffmpeg
Server OS: Unbuntu Beta (Hardy)

-- ChasinGame - 16 Apr 2008



I recommend you a webcam using pwc module that is quite stable, old logitech ( working with pwc not uvcvideo ) or Philips if you can find there.

-- AngelCarpintero - 17 Apr 2008

SupportForm edit

TopicTitle Need support for USB capture device (please reccomend tested devices)
SupportStatus AnsweredQuestions
SubmittedBy ChasinGame
Topic revision: r2 - 17 Apr 2008, AngelCarpintero
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