Motion - Support Question 2008x 10x 25x 221655

Segmentation fault at start motion when webcontrol_localhost it is installed in off


Segmentation fault at start motion when webcontrol_localhost it is installed in off

[0] httpd_run: motion-httpd testing : IPV4 addr: port: 8080 [0] httpd_run: motion-httpd Bound : IPV4 addr: port: 8080 [0] httpd_run: motion-httpd/trunk-r435 running, accepting connections [0] httpd_run: motion-httpd: waiting for data on port TCP 8080 Segmentation fault

When webcontrol_localhost it is installed in on all perfectly works. At the same time a similar problem it is not observed at any values of parametre stream_localhost


Motion version: 3.2.11
ffmpeg version:  
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql
Server OS: OpenSuse 10.3

-- RafisKhayrullin - 25 Oct 2008


Ummm httpd/trunk-r435 <- That's trunk version ... so please don't report bugs in Twiki ... you can go to IRC instead because could be in

a middle of feature or you can have a bad paremeter or not well tested feature.

So NOT VALID support question / bugs on trunk without a good test before and talk about in IRC , otherwise it could become a mess smile

Please when you report a segfault is mandatory :
1 -. Config files
2 -. Verbose logs ( motion -n -d 9 )
3 -. Get a coredump
4 -. Hardware ( most of the times )

-- AngelCarpintero - 26 Oct 2008


Really, it can be only a consequence. I have noticed that at me without parametre -d motion too passes in a condition segmentation fault. I will investigate code dumpы, I will save up statistics and later I will send result.

-- RafisKhayrullin - 26 Oct 2008


For myself I have solved a problem. Has found in archive the old version motion 3.2.9. Has corrected ffmpeg.c (SupportQuestion2008x10x25x070400). It became normal.

-- RafisKhayrullin - 26 Oct 2008

SupportForm edit

TopicTitle Segmentation fault at start motion when webcontrol_localhost it is installed in off
SupportStatus AnsweredQuestions
AssignedQuestionTo AngelCarpintero
SubmittedBy RafisKhayrullin
Topic revision: r3 - 26 Oct 2008, RafisKhayrullin
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