Motion - Support Question 2008x 11x 27x 085548

Remote control with user and password


I set the parameters for authentication with username and password, but would not request anything. How can I protect the view of the camera from http? I use Mozilla 3.0.4 and I want to protect this URL

How can I do? Where should I set?

Thank you Stefano
# HTTP Based Control

# TCP/IP port for the http server to listen on (default: 0 = disabled)
control_port 8082

# Restrict control connections to localhost only (default: on)
control_localhost off

# Output for http server, select off to choose raw text plain (default: on)
control_html_output on

# Authentication for the http based control. Syntax username:password
# Default: not defined (Disabled)
control_authentication provadacasa:vediamo


Motion version: 3.2.11
ffmpeg version: libavutil 1d.49.3.0, libavcodec: 1d.51.38.0, libavformat: 1d.51.10.0
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql
Server OS: Ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.24-21-generic

-- StefanoAprile - 27 Nov 2008


Notice you are confusing 2 things :

- webcam stream ( stream jpeg multipart from capturing device ) and use webcam_* in motion.conf

- control http , control_* , mini-http server builtin to control and configure motion while is running , this one is the only that can be protected from motion.

If you want to control stream you should use other method like mod_proxy of apache , look here there's an example ( one of the comments ):

-- AngelCarpintero - 28 Nov 2008
Topic revision: r2 - 28 Nov 2008, AngelCarpintero
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