Motion - Support Question 2009x 06x 02x 131956

Motion via Internet


Hi. I try to explain the question: I'm a principiant. I use Ubuntu 9.04 a Logitech usb camera e Motion. I've installed all and in home enviroment is all ok. This is my scenario:

-adsl voip (a ip semi permanent (ip change when I reboot the modem)

-to the modem Pirelli I've another wireless modem/switch dlink g624t where is connected a minitower PC with ubu9.04 and a laptop (wireless) with xp + firefox 3-0-1.

- The IP of the minitower PC is a DMZ, while on the modem Pirelli is able the ports and NAT protocol (IP Provider--> IP local).

-on the minitower I have installed a motion and thougth a usb camera I can see the streaming image.

- I have modified the file motion.conf like this (framerate 100 e threshold 999999999). So, now on Firefox I can see the streaming of the images and also from to laptop (in home enviroment,

- If, from laptop, I use IE7, when pint a local web server, appear a request to save a file .part????

So, the problem is this. From Internet I want to see the streaming of the images. In few world, via firefox, if the url is my semi permanent IP:8081, I can't see the streaming! In this case also firefox ask me to save a part of the file! On the minitower I have installed for test joomla (with apache, php and mysql) and from internet IT Works!(it's ok also VNC).

Is possible to see the streaming via internet? Thank so much and sorry for my english! Donato.

Thanks for the quikly answer!

Paste in your error messages, config settings, terminal window output etc in this text field.


Motion version: 3.2.11
ffmpeg version:  
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS:  

-- DonatoOcchilupo - 02 Jun 2009


- Firstly, please read here :




- Internet Explorer cannot show the stream unless you make a webpage on your Apache with Cambozola applet.

-- FlorinAnton - 02 Jun 2009
Topic revision: r3 - 03 Jun 2009, DonatoOcchilupo
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